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Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Download Notepad ++ Terbaru

Notepad + + adalah editor kode sumber bebas dan pengganti Notepad yang mendukung beberapa bahasa. Berjalan di lingkungan Windows MS, penggunaannya diatur oleh Lisensi GPL.

Berdasarkan mengedit komponen Scintilla kuat, Notepad + + ditulis dalam C + + dan murni menggunakan Win32 API dan STL yang menjamin kecepatan eksekusi lebih tinggi dan ukuran program yang lebih kecil. Dengan mengoptimalkan rutin sebanyak mungkin tanpa kehilangan kemudahan, Notepad + + sedang mencoba untuk mengurangi emisi karbon dioksida dunia. Bila menggunakan lebih sedikit power CPU, PC dapat throttle ke bawah dan mengurangi konsumsi daya, sehingga lingkungan lebih hijau.

* Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
* User Defined Syntax Highlighting
* Auto-completion
* Multi-Document
* Multi-View
* Regular Expression Search/Replace supported
* Full Drag 'N' Drop supported
* Dynamic position of Views
* File Status Auto-detection
* Zoom in and zoom out
* Multi-Language environment supported
* Bookmark
* Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
* Macro recording and playback

# New features and fixed bugs
- Upgrade Scintilla to version 2.12.
- Add "Inverse bookmark" feature.
- Fix premature deallocation bug for import UDL.
- Add import/export User Defined Language features.
- File detection : Switch to modified or deleted file while user is asked to reload or keep the file.
- Fix closing several detected non-existing files bug.
- Fix language switching to English not working bug.
- Reduce PostIt/FullScreen restore button size.
- Fix PostIt wrong restore button position after toggling off fullScreen mode.
- Fix crashes on new 11 character long UDL names bug.
- Fix "Save all" inconsistent icon state on toolbar.
- Add new keywords of HTML 5 and css.

# Included plugins (Unicode):
- TextFX v0.26
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- MIME Tools v1.6
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Compare Plugin 1.5.6
- Plugin Manager
- NppFTP
- Select 'N' Launch 1.0

# Included plugins (ANSI):
- TextFX v0.25
- NppExec v0.3.2
- Spell Checker v1.3.3
- MIME Tools v1.6
- NppExport v0.2.8
- Light Explorer v1.6
- Compare Plugin 1.5.5
- Plugin Manager

Download Notepad ++ Versi 5.7 : Notepad ++ 5.7

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